Br. Walter(Don Bosco College Principal) with other Principals from Malawi during the study tour to Scotland Colleges.




For the first time Don Bosco College participated in the 8th National Technology Fair organized by the Malawi confederation of Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCCI) at the Cresta Crossroads Hotel from 22nd October – 24th October 2009.


The theme for the fair was “Technology for development” and representing the college was the IT-section. The section presented different ICT services that the college offers including; IT training, computer maintenance services and networking services.


The primary mission for the college’s participation was; to learn, share and assure our partners that is, the industry that as an education institute, we are there to take up the challenge of providing ICT training and services to their level of expectation. Also was to establish links with other organization taking part in the development of the country through technology enhancement.


Most important benefit from the fair was that; our college students got exposed and now appreciate the role of technology for a developing country’s economy and are very much ready to take part in the development of the nation through ICT.






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